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David GrundyDavid Grundy from Sugar Land, Texas wrote on May 7, 2018 on 2:52 pm:
Hi Silvio, this is your old friend David, from BMC Software. It is great to see you doing this photography. You are so creative and I am so happy for you!
qumox sj5000qumox sj5000 wrote on July 12, 2016 on 4:34 pm:
E' bellissimo! Complimenti
Antonino CalìAntonino Calì from Catania wrote on July 16, 2015 on 4:51 am:
Ciao! Il tuo sito non è solo bellissimo, ma anche meravigliosamente istruttivo! Nino
Costin BociuCostin Bociu wrote on September 13, 2011 on 10:00 pm:
Hello, I visited your exhibition in Rome. Very impressive work. Congratulations!
Maria Pere-PerezMaria Pere-Perez wrote on March 29, 2011 on 10:00 pm:
Hey there! You haven't updated this site in a while. 🙂 Look forward to seeing more pictures! Ciao, Maria
Bob MelgarBob Melgar wrote on February 15, 2011 on 11:00 pm:
Silvio, it was nice meeting you. I enjoyed your web site. I will be in Yosemite Park soon where it is snowing now. I hope the remainder of your trip was good. I really enjoyed Antelpoe Canyon and Horesshoe Bend. Be safe, Bob
Brian MarvinBrian Marvin wrote on February 1, 2011 on 11:00 pm:
Great Website, Better photos!!! Awesome!!
Paulo SousaPaulo Sousa wrote on February 8, 2010 on 11:00 pm:
Absolutely stunning....what a pleasant surprise! Great design and astonishing photos. Congratulations my friend!
Greg BraggGreg Bragg wrote on August 31, 2009 on 10:00 pm:
Excellent job on the self made website Silvestro. Regards Greg http://gregoryB.dpchallenge.com/
SEBASTIANOSEBASTIANO wrote on August 13, 2009 on 10:00 pm:
Cullato dalla gradevolissima musica, ho passato l'intera serata a guardare le tue foto, tutte. Bellissime, alcune magnifiche ... complimenti. Solo in una Milano deserta, non sapevo come passare, domani, la giornata dl ferragosto. Adesso lo so: con la mia macchina fotografica in giro per la città. Saluti, Sebi
ArtArt wrote on April 21, 2009 on 10:00 pm:
i like london area
AngelaAngela wrote on January 23, 2008 on 11:00 pm:
Your work is subtly dynamic and refreshing. Lovely!
Massimiliano MicucciMassimiliano Micucci wrote on October 2, 2007 on 10:00 pm:
Immagini bellissime, sito fantastico. Complimenti! M.
AndreaAndrea wrote on September 28, 2007 on 10:00 pm:
Che fine hai fatto?
Giacomo GiannessiGiacomo Giannessi wrote on June 16, 2007 on 10:00 pm:
Complimenti. Veramente bravo! Immagini eccezionali ed un sito estremamente elegante.
PeterPeter wrote on March 30, 2007 on 10:00 pm:
great. just great pictures. positive, vibrant, joyful - essence of a happy life, very impressive, thank you for a nice afternoon. By the way, what`s that music in the brooklyn bridge section? let me know, i like it!
Antony PostresAntony Postres wrote on February 3, 2007 on 11:00 pm:
Very nice interface and navigation. Great pictures.
Antonio CafieroAntonio Cafiero wrote on December 20, 2006 on 11:00 pm:
Andrea MartelliAndrea Martelli wrote on November 2, 2006 on 11:00 pm:
Congratulazioni per le meravigliosi immagini e la stupenda presentazione flash. Un ottimo portfolio di immagini, stupendi i 'place studies'. Andrea
Massimo MessinaMassimo Messina wrote on July 28, 2006 on 10:00 pm:
I was pointed by Bettina to your site. She was asking for a contest, but seeing your work, I'm going to refuse. You are too good and professional!! Congratulations for your picture and your site. I'have save it into my preferred and I'll come to visit time to time. If you have time, pls visit my gallery at mmessina.photopoints.com...but do not expect the same quality that you are used to. Congratulations again....!! Max
NagasyariNagasyari wrote on July 24, 2006 on 10:00 pm:
WOW! This is an amazing Flash presentation site. And your pictures are inspirational. Makes me want to go out there and snap away. You have rejuvanated the shutter bug in me. Thanks!
Dermot CostelloDermot Costello wrote on June 27, 2006 on 10:00 pm:
Really fantastic and beautiful pictures. I look forward to seeing more in the furure. Regards from Ireland.
Paul KesselsPaul Kessels wrote on June 20, 2006 on 10:00 pm:
Absolutely fantastic photograhs. You really have eye for the details! Regards, Paul (a colleague from Amsterdam) www.paulkessels.com
Andrea SermonetaAndrea Sermoneta wrote on June 15, 2006 on 10:00 pm:
Ciao, complimenti per le belle foto! Il tuo sito me l'ha consigliato Marco Castiglione.....dovrò imparare molto prima di farne così belle..... Ciao! www.termoz.it
David ColeDavid Cole wrote on May 31, 2006 on 10:00 pm:
Moving! Your images capture a beautiful world I only wish to one day become a part of. The inspiration from your images has me counting the seconds till I can get home to my camera and view the world again. Keep the shutter going and I will come back often. Thanks.
Charles MinterCharles Minter wrote on May 24, 2006 on 10:00 pm:
Fantastic site! something I aspire to do myself someday. As a fellow photographer and work collegue I would love to compare notes one day and learn some of your techniques. Truly amazing presentation and a great eye. I look forward to sharing with you in the future.
IlyasIlyas wrote on May 4, 2006 on 10:00 pm:
I don't...................................it's beatiful
roohullahroohullah wrote on April 29, 2006 on 10:00 pm:
this is proffesinal flash web and beauty
VictorVictor wrote on April 23, 2006 on 10:00 pm:
El trabajo es impresionante, de gran calidad. Sirve de inspiracion para otras personas. Felicitaciones!
Richard PanareseRichard Panarese wrote on April 5, 2006 on 10:00 pm:
This is incredible work. I could learn to hate you. You're way too talented! I'm of course kidding. This is truly great stuff!
Alfonso TerzoliAlfonso Terzoli wrote on March 31, 2006 on 10:00 pm:
.... entrare qui è sempre un piacere...ciao a presto.
Ryan or (dpc member - digitalpins)Ryan or (dpc member - digitalpins) wrote on March 30, 2006 on 10:00 pm:
Very nice site, I remember looking at your site a while ago, beatifully done. And I dont like flash sites but yours is amazing and done really well. Beautiful pictures also. Again great site and pictures Ryan www.lamontphotography.com
toxtox wrote on March 22, 2006 on 11:00 pm:
...complimenti per i lavori 😉 www.toxart.it
Gaetano GaglioGaetano Gaglio wrote on March 11, 2006 on 11:00 pm:
Complimenti per le foto che hai inserito
paolopaolo wrote on March 8, 2006 on 11:00 pm:
Complimenti. Il sito è uno dei più belli che abbia mai visto e le foto sono davvero stupende. Tanto di cappello
edoluzedoluz wrote on March 8, 2006 on 11:00 pm:
Ciao! Complimenti per il sito! Design fantastico! Ciao!!
MohammedMohammed wrote on March 2, 2006 on 11:00 pm:
Awesome! love the design and flash work.
Manuel A. Rodriguez M.Manuel A. Rodriguez M. wrote on February 27, 2006 on 11:00 pm:
Incredible Site !!! I was searching for the best flash pages on the internet. One click transported me to a peaceful environment, far from my hectic life. I as I passed through your pictures I saw what great wonders you can do with a camera. I am glad to say that this is one of the best sites I have seen in a long while. I love your pictures. Congratulations on your great work. I hope you keep up the great work !! =-)
James GeorgeJames George wrote on February 10, 2006 on 11:00 pm:
Wow. I cannot explain how amazed I am at your work. I am a graphic designer trying to become something in this field, and i just wanted to let you know that your work is unbelievable. I would be glad to have half the tallent you posess. I hope to see more work throughout the years from you and can't wait to see what's next.
Peter WiderbroodPeter Widerbrood wrote on February 5, 2006 on 11:00 pm:
Love your style and your pictures.
ShreeShree wrote on December 15, 2005 on 11:00 pm:
You are not only a great photographer and designer but also a good presenter. Your site is a relief from the chaos that we have around us as designers. By the way I am a designer too. Thanx for the treat to eyes, ears and brain.
KrisKris wrote on December 11, 2005 on 11:00 pm:
Beautiful pictures and the site's featuring an amazing interface!
Dario from Final-Design.netDario from Final-Design.net wrote on November 10, 2005 on 11:00 pm:
Hey, you have very nice personal page here. Im impressed as graphic designer. It's so clean, white, and colored with nice simple colors. Well done. I wish all the best, Dario www.final-design.net
matteomatteo wrote on November 9, 2005 on 11:00 pm:
complimenti per il tuo lavoro. Le foto di parigi di notte sono spettacolari
massimiliano "u' catanisi"massimiliano "u' catanisi" wrote on November 3, 2005 on 11:00 pm:
m........a che spettacolo!!!
mindmind wrote on October 28, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
Really loved it! Great pictures. Smooth and inspiring music and graphical work! Kind regards
Neelesh JethwaNeelesh Jethwa wrote on October 20, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
Excellant compostion and exposure under available light. Kudos
Mary JoMary Jo wrote on October 5, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
Absolutely gorgeous website! Your overall design ...and the incredible photos are an inspiration. Thanks so much Mary Jo Roberts
MicheleMichele wrote on September 22, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
KJKJ wrote on September 12, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
Beautiful site, amazing photos and great music. Excellent work!
PjoekerPjoeker wrote on September 10, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
Very nice site and pictures. Love your style!
ManuelManuel wrote on August 31, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
Complimenti!!! Sito bellissimo Manuel
PatriziaPatrizia wrote on August 30, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
Sei un vero gatto caro Silvestro...se invece di Nikon usassi una Canon saresti perfetto! Complimenti anche per la bellissima famiglia e per la delicatezza con la quale hai trattato le loro foto! BRAVISSIMO!!!!!!1
nicknick wrote on August 29, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
Great sites with lots and lots of beautiful photos!
PelanPelan wrote on August 26, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
simple site with sweet navigation...keep ur style
ShyerzShyerz wrote on August 26, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
I can't believe... this site is so great !! (and i love the load time too... :)).
RyanRyan wrote on August 18, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
Looks pretty good. The site has some cool features.
Angel Brahama kAngel Brahama k wrote on August 17, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
minchia.. sto sito ie troppu raro! baciamo le mani dalla calda sicilia. complimenti!
JakeLMJakeLM wrote on August 13, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
Splendido sito con un interfaccia pulita e funzionale che permette di concentrarsi sulla visione delle foto. ; che sono di ottima fattura ...tra l'altro 🙂 Complimenti ancora . JakeLM
Austin CondiffAustin Condiff wrote on August 6, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
Thank you for the great experience! i love the site! its perhaps the best ive seen on the net so far! Thank you for taking my advice. I really appriciate your work and i wil look forward to hearing from you soon! Austin
marcmarc wrote on August 3, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
tres zen! bravo
Mehul VyasMehul Vyas wrote on July 31, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
Very good site
VictorVictor wrote on July 29, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
Es un trabajo que inspira, que motiva, por lo que observe es producto de vasios años, felicitaciones motiva a otras personas relacionadas con el arte a continuar y mejorarlo
John BraunsteinJohn Braunstein wrote on July 29, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
I really enjoyed your photographs. I just got the D70 myself and I'm anxious to get snapping.
AlexAlex wrote on July 26, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
One of the best photographic site I've ever seen. Innovative, brilliant, creative... but, at the same time, simple and user friendly. Some shots are outstanding, showing an out of ordinary creativity and an excellent photographic technique. Music perfectly suits the elegance of the design. This is a professional piece of work, a great job from a great artist. Congratulations. Alex.
AlessandroAlessandro wrote on July 26, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
Trasferisce un senso di pace e serenità... COMPLIMENTI!! Ale.
Max DenisMax Denis wrote on July 25, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
Very nice site. Clean, crisp....I like it!
Lucas ZaidenLucas Zaiden wrote on July 24, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
I fell like flying. Can't explain what the sensation is. Great pictures, creative ideas, sweet soundtrack... awesome! Keep the good work, and preserve the talent.
Megha PrakashMegha Prakash wrote on July 24, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
your site is very elegant.I liked everything about it.
nicklausdeyringnicklausdeyring wrote on July 24, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
nice work. i wish you the best of luck!
markmark wrote on July 24, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
inspired by group94? great one.
stefanostefano wrote on July 23, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
bellissmime le foto ed elegante la presentazione. Un affresco!
MimmaMimma wrote on July 21, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
La maggior parte dei luoghi da te immortalati in particolarissimi scatti, non li ho mai visitati. Ti devo ringraziare. Oggi ho fatto un bellissimo viaggio grazie a te. Ciao Silvestro. Mimma Napoli 22 luglio 2005
danieldaniel wrote on July 15, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
j adore votre nouvelle galerie, c 'est vraiment un plaisir de voyager à travers vos photos. la technologie flash est bien employé bravissimo........ Dan (France)
Wim MertensWim Mertens wrote on July 15, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
Beautiful site and beautiful photos!!
AdrianoAdriano wrote on July 14, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
Semplicemente... straordinario. Complimenti Ciao Adriano
STEFANO MATTEVISTEFANO MATTEVI wrote on July 12, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
Una bellissimo slideshow di ... emozioni. Bravo. Stefano
InakiInaki wrote on July 11, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
Increible site, great design, and fantastic music and photos congratulations www.aramaio.com
Sebastiano FischettoSebastiano Fischetto wrote on July 10, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
Come sempre con il tuo entusiasmo la tua passione hai creato un angolo di paradiso da vedere per tutti. ciao Sebastiano p.s ci vediamo presto
Veronika FreemanVeronika Freeman wrote on July 7, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
Thanks for inviting me back! Stil stunning, as always. I really enjoy the pictures of your children - how wonderful to have a record of their growth in beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing them with us too.
Michael BazzoniMichael Bazzoni wrote on July 7, 2005 on 10:00 pm:
Silvestro, Great new site upentry_date! I will order a print. It is a great feature. Take Care, Michael Bazzoni
Wendy SearsWendy Sears wrote on May 20, 2004 on 10:00 pm:
This is one of those sites to which words can never do justice. Whether visitors are interested in the Flash technology behind the site or the beautiful imagery depicted, they will undoubtedly leave the site believing that anything is possible with skill, dedication and time....even the seemingly impossible.
SandySandy wrote on April 4, 2004 on 10:00 pm:
You site was inspiring. The last few years have been hard on humanity. As an individual knowing I'm one drop in the sea that is God, I've looked for inspiration to buoy myself daily. I did a search looking for excellence and found yours. I'm very glad I did.
Joerg SeidelJoerg Seidel wrote on March 29, 2004 on 10:00 pm:
First, sorry! My english is so bad - it`s so long ago, I've learned ;-)... but ich must say it: You have created a wonderfull and firstclass site. It's so beautifull and the viewer feels the emotions you have by making all the fine pictures and the great online-galery with Flash. Congretulations, Yeah!
Daniel BoiratDaniel Boirat wrote on February 12, 2004 on 11:00 pm:
Edwin G. SantanaEdwin G. Santana wrote on January 16, 2004 on 11:00 pm:
I found a link to your site from about.com, i think is wonderful, and your work is excepcional! a great inspiration. I'm a graphic designer, illustrator from the Dominican Republic. The site is just perfect and it's presentation fits your work like a glove, great navigation. It makes you want to check everything on it. Thanks for the inspiration!!! keep up the good work!!
Veronika FreemanVeronika Freeman wrote on January 15, 2004 on 11:00 pm:
Wow! It's all wow! What is the music? Who are the artists? I stumbled upon the site from About.com link and was very impressed with every aspect of it!
Lorenzo BonechiLorenzo Bonechi wrote on January 10, 2004 on 11:00 pm:
Davvero un sito bellissimo ... non avrei mai pensato che in flash si potessero ottenere questi risultati. Ottima anche la colonna sonora.
Jez BurnsJez Burns wrote on August 12, 2003 on 10:00 pm:
Wow, you're website is beautiful!
OlenaOlena wrote on May 9, 2003 on 10:00 pm:
I've found your site when l was searching some samples about web graphic.. l'm interested in it but l'm a beginner. And when l've saw your marvellous site l've thougth 'That man is a really great artist!'. That's it. Keep it up, Maestro! All the best!
Simonetta MatrasciaSimonetta Matrascia wrote on February 18, 2003 on 11:00 pm:
Il tuo sito è geniale, creativo, poetico e molto professionale, degno di te.
Hal DaveyHal Davey wrote on February 6, 2003 on 11:00 pm:
Saw your site on Wow Web designs - GREAT design.
Ari KokkonenAri Kokkonen wrote on January 3, 2003 on 11:00 pm:
Hi, You site is great and you are R E A L L Y G O O D designer!
Pier ColombiniPier Colombini wrote on December 14, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
Wow, 1 of the best displays of photography i have seen online......
Vince WiatrowskiVince Wiatrowski wrote on December 13, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
I just stumbled upon your site by happenstance, and wanted to let you know I thought the graphics and layout were fantastic!!! DAMN!!! Thanks for some much needed inspiration, and not so much thanks for reminding me that you have to work hard for what you want.
Bob SnellBob Snell wrote on December 3, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
I've built my own insignificant site, consequently I know what must have gone in to building a marvelous site such as yours. I learned Flash a few years ago, but got away from it, because I was constantly told that not enough users had Flash players or that their systems were too slow. You seemed to have put it all together in an easy to navigate and fast loading format.
Lisa GuidryLisa Guidry wrote on October 24, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
I have spent the last several days looking for inspiration over the web for my new website. This morning I found your site and cannot even explain how much your art moved me. The site incredibly connected me to your world - I truly appreciated my experience. Just wanted to let you know.
Natale VenturaNatale Ventura wrote on October 13, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
Grazie per l'imbriacatura di belle immagini. Ho apprezzato particolarmente Acitrezza, luogo a me tanto caro e pregno di ricordi... complimenti
Gisele WrightGisele Wright wrote on October 13, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
I so love your site so very much!! it is quite awesome. I want to redesign my site in Flash and you've just inspired me tremendoulsy. I love your photograpy, collages and all your artwork.
Jodee MoffettJodee Moffett wrote on September 30, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
Found your site online and it is incredible. The pictures are very beautiful.
Anh PhanAnh Phan wrote on September 23, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
You have designed the most beautiful website I've ever seen
Joleen TurnerJoleen Turner wrote on August 29, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
I looked at your beautiful website today. It truly is lovely and inspirational. I am new to new media and to see your work really demonstrates to me the power of on-line communication using FLASH and high quality artwork. Keep up the great work!
Ignazio ManducaIgnazio Manduca wrote on August 27, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
Ho appena visto il tuo sito, devo congratularmi con te.
Liam DalyLiam Daly wrote on August 26, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
For no other reasons but that I like the site, am I sending you a mail. And I notice time is not what it was, for I was watching it ebb away as I constantly monitored the increasing hits on one of my sites in this its big week of the year. Bu then I found your site. And I stayed. And I don't simply mean that I like the site for the site's sake - I like the photographs too.
Rick RiddleRick Riddle wrote on August 6, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
What a feast of art and images...it brightened my day! Beautiful work...
Connor AstonConnor Aston wrote on August 4, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
I like all your hats and your baby is nearly as nice as mine . . . Great work.
Angel DonchevAngel Donchev wrote on July 30, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
I visited your webpage - I liked it a lot! One thing that I would recommend adding is a guestbook. Keep up the good work.
Rick van der WalRick van der Wal wrote on July 6, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
I just wanted to say I am really impressed by your display of obvious skill, knowledge and creativity. I really feel you lifted Flash Design up to a level of art, an artform that should be recognised. I do not make a habbit of sending 'praise you' mails, but this is just incredible. I even think your website is kind of fading the results of your 'true' art.
Chris FinnChris Finn wrote on June 27, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
I came across your web-site looking just basically surfing... I was very impressed with your photos... I have currently started learning about web-design and am hopefully going to be making a web-site for some projects and what not - but mainly because I am also a photographer, and have been for the past five years... anyway - when I get that site up, I'll send you the link if you think you may be interested in taking a look at my work... a lot of my work is similar to yours in a few ways... anyway take care - and again I enjoyed your site/work...
Sam SpringerSam Springer wrote on June 14, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
Very Cool Site!!!!!
Mary P O ConnorMary P O Connor wrote on May 24, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
It`s absolutely AMAZING. Im A Web design student in Cork Ireland. This is my first lesson with Flash. Also my first look at a total Flash site. You have inspired me. My background is as a classicaly trained artist, Im now getting computer literate. Thanks
Jan ReidJan Reid wrote on May 22, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
Your site is an inspiration--I am just learning Flash. It is hard to believe this is your first experience with Flash. Thanks, Jan
JulesJules wrote on May 20, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
What a beautiful site .... and talented artist!! I'm actually sitting here drooling, thinking of being in Miami, after seeing the east coast pics. What a yummy place!! Thanks for sharing that site eggs!!
Chad CepelaChad Cepela wrote on May 6, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
I just came by this site on accident and Wow! This is probably one of the best done websites I have seen in a while. Just thought I would drop a line to let you know.
Alex KAlex K wrote on May 3, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
LanfreeLanfree wrote on April 30, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
i miei complimenti! bravo bravissimo... mi piace la sezione photography
EyesOnlyEyesOnly wrote on April 30, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
Wow, that sure a lot of work but certainly well worth it. Hopefully someday I can do stuff like that. Until then I will just dream. P.S. I also really loved your images.
Daniel WulfDaniel Wulf wrote on April 29, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
I am a 23 year old guy from germany and i am very impressed by your site!!! i found it because i was looking for some premium sites in the www.
Lawrence RugoloLawrence Rugolo wrote on April 26, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
The changes you have made on your wonderful web site have increased the viewer's ease in navigating the site. I enjoy visiting it whenever I have some spare time.
Theresa FortiTheresa Forti wrote on April 19, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
Thank you for the opportunity to view your images... they are awesome!...and also for this beautiful website with its many details which integrate so well. The whole is most definitely greater than the sum of its parts and this website is a wonderful piece within which to present your work.
Barbara TampieriBarbara Tampieri wrote on April 11, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
Caro Silvestro, ho visitato con molto piacere il tuo sito e sono rimasta molto colpita dalle fotografie esposte e dalla grande eleganza del design del sito. Un sito veramente splendido!
James WakefieldJames Wakefield wrote on April 8, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
Congratulations on your website and photography - both very impressive.
Erik StarErik Star wrote on April 2, 2002 on 10:00 pm:
Thank you for making such a marvelous site. Everything is optimum: sound, visuals, photos, and the concepts behind everything. I"m very impressed. The best site I've seen this year. Thanks for sharing yourself.
Stephen PraterStephen Prater wrote on March 27, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
Hey, I saw your website on Case Studies on the about.com graphics forum. Good GOD! Best Flash site I've ever seen.
DavidDavid wrote on March 25, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
I just saw your web-page ITS AMAZING !! I have never seen anything like it ! BEautifull.
Claudio SavoiClaudio Savoi wrote on March 24, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
Ho finalmente avuto modo di vedere il tuo sito che trovo.... fantastico.
Richard JonesRichard Jones wrote on March 24, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
You have an extraordinary talent. I am fairly competent with flash but have no artistic talent. You have created a beautiful site and the amazing thing is, I know what it takes to create such a site as I know I have the technical skill but not the artistic. Well done. Very talented and enjoyable to watch!!
Diana AstonDiana Aston wrote on March 22, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
Awesome! Very inspirational. I got your link from About.com Graphic Design. I'm a teacher and will definitely be showing this to my students to get ideas.
Boib PaulsenBoib Paulsen wrote on March 22, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
Hi, got to your site via flashkit.com where someone was asking how to accomplish a site like yours and posted a link to it. Pretty fine stuff you got there, which prompts the question--what happens when you wear a green hat?!?
Amy BatchelorAmy Batchelor wrote on March 21, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
I happened upon your site through About.com and I just have to say that I was extremely impressed. This site must have taken you soooooooooo many hours of work. But it's so worth it because you can sit back and be extremely proud of what you have accomplished. I am looking to design a flash site for my employers, I work for a graphic design/advertising agency. They also were very impressed with your site. Again, impressive sight. Kudos.
Lynn HumanLynn Human wrote on March 20, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
In a word...... beautiful! Specially the family pictures. Thanks for your inspiration and thanks for sharing.
Isabelle GreenIsabelle Green wrote on March 20, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
What can I say. It's absolutely breathtaking...content-wise and layout-wise. I know how much talent and vision (not to mention technological knowledge) it takes to produce a site like this. Something most of us can only dream about being able to do. Fortunately, you don't have to be able to to it, to be able to fully enjoy the work of someone who is. Kudos to you. One thing about your site which so appeals to me is that it is highly unusual for a site with such a high degree of sophistication and professionalism to manage to be so welcoming and to share, in such a tasteful way, relevant personal information about the creator. I shall visit it every time I need inspiration or need to be reminded of what is possible.
Fallen1Fallen1 wrote on March 20, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
Silvestro I clicked your www link in your profile and I must say I am very umpressed with your work! I wish that I could be half that good behind the lens.
HookmeisterHookmeister wrote on March 20, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
It is an excellent presentation - worthy of a complete tour
Auz1111Auz1111 wrote on March 20, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
I think the site is beautiful. Had no problem with loading, but i am running on a high speed connection. really amazed with your work. keep learning!
Flash HOFlash HO wrote on March 20, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
Great site! Nav variation is terrific. I used it to show others what a "portfolio " site could do. Nice!
Franco BrilliFranco Brilli wrote on March 20, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
Ciao, Silvestro! Molti complimenti, ho davvero apprezzato le tue immagini e del sito.
Fabrizio MenghiFabrizio Menghi wrote on March 17, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
Mi pare un bellissimo sogno ben realizzato . Complimenti.
Luciano MoroniLuciano Moroni wrote on March 17, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
Bello, semplicemente bello, e sarei dispiaciuto se questo termine fosse interpretato in forma riduttiva. Non credo sia la passione per la fotografia, che oggi pratico "da seduto" (sigh!), ad obbligarmi a vedere tutte, ma proprio tutte, le foto presenti; ma non solo, anche a spingermi a curiosare tutto il sito, sorridendo nella descrizione del poliedrico cappello e quant'altro. Che dire : bello, semplicemente bello.
Marcello GrilloMarcello Grillo wrote on March 17, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
CONGRATULAZIONI !!! sei grande...
Maria IsaMaria Isa wrote on March 15, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
E' bellissimo! Complimenti
GianlucaGianluca wrote on March 15, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
Sinceri complimenti!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marco CastiglioneMarco Castiglione wrote on March 15, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
Come al solito, incredibile!!! Complimenti per la classe!
Vincenza PerruccioVincenza Perruccio wrote on March 14, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
Estasiata, forse a dir poco!!! Sono ritornata da un bel viaggio virtuale, fatto vedendo le tue foto.....quella musica di sottofondo, poi, mi ha aiutato anche a rilassarmi molto! Queste sono le impressioni a caldo dopo aver visto il tuo sito: il migliore che abbia mai visto !!!
FrancescoFrancesco wrote on March 14, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
Le foto sono una bellezza ed il sito mi miace proprio, bravo.
Paolo BranchesiPaolo Branchesi wrote on March 14, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
Il sito e` molto molto bello, ho visto entrambe le versioni, quella in flash e` molto bella ed accattivante, un bellissimo disegno e non c'e` nulla da dire... hai un futuro!!! 😉 Le immagini sono molto belle, mi sono piaciute parecchio :)))) Complimenti 🙂
Stefano FattoriStefano Fattori wrote on March 14, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
Ma tu non 6 normale ........ comunque complimenti. è veramente ben fatto !!!! ciaooooooooooooooooooo
Roberto SiniRoberto Sini wrote on March 14, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
Ho visitato con piacere il tuo sito. Altissima qualita', come al solito, con ancor piu' grande ironia (nei vari cappelli). In ogni caso credo evidenzi anche una sana "follia" creativa. Bravo.
Sebastiano FischettoSebastiano Fischetto wrote on March 14, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
Ho visto un anteprima, veramente bello !!!!
Eleonora NuccetelliEleonora Nuccetelli wrote on March 14, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
Complimenti per le splendide fotografie e per come lo hai organizzato. E' gia' fra i miei siti preferiti.........!
Sergio CarusoSergio Caruso wrote on March 10, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
Ho visto il tuo sito internet, è molto bello. I miei complimenti, sapevo di avere un genero speciale.
Enzo CataniaEnzo Catania wrote on March 8, 2002 on 11:00 pm:
Il tuo sito è superlativo non tanto per la realizzazione grafica o per le soluzioni tecniche adottate quanto per la meravigliosa creaturina che valorizza tutto il lavoro: Giulia.